We have developed safe invitation process that is slow and gradual therefore would impose no risks to your Telegram group.We also keep the age of our group into consideration and would consult you with your Telegram group and channel’s safety if needed.
Members will be added to your Telegram group or channel in the speed that you would prefer.
We can host up to 10,000 invites per day per group.
However, we always make sure that the speed doesn’t interfere with your Telegram group/channel age.
We accept payments in (BTC, ETH, Dash) , PerfectMoney and Webmoney as well as bank wires.
Transaction fees not included in our pricing structure
The Vivasmm Panel for Telegram is a specialized tool developed to cater to the needs of Telegram users in India. Vivasmm Telegram Panel serves as a centralized platform offering various features and functionalities designed to enhance the overall experience of managing Telegram groups and channels.
Vivasmm.com is the best SMM Panel for Telegram, providing all types of services such as non-drop Premium members, post views, reactions